Monday 21 September 2015

9 Benefits of Drinking Milk With Turmeric

Instead of putting a bunch of unhealthy ingredients like chocolate powder, sugar and cream in your milk, start drinking "haldi doodh" instead. An age-old remedy, it is a powerful combination that has several health benefits. All you have to do is boil milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder or a 1-inch piece of fresh turmeric for 10-15 minutes, and voila!  
1. Treats colds and coughs
Turmeric is loaded with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help battle infection as well as the symptoms of a cough or cold. It is especially effective against dry, wracking coughs.
2. Detoxifies and purifies your body 
This potent spice has been used as a blood purifier in Ayurvedic medicines for centuries. It improves blood circulation and stimulates the lymphatic system, which is the body’s natural drainage mechanism. It also helps your liver detoxify the rest of your body.
3. Soothes arthritis and joint pain
Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties have other benefits as well, among which a major one is the ability to soothe the pain, swelling and inflammation associated with arthritis. This drink strengthens your bones and joints, and improves flexibility as well.
4. Relieves headaches and congestion

Turmeric is rich in antioxidants as well as several nutrients, so it works like a natural painkiller against headaches, especially those caused by congestion.
5. Boosts immunity and fights diseases
The antiviral properties of this spice boost your natural immunity and prevent the multiplication of viruses, thereby protecting you against infections like hepatitis. Research also suggests that turmeric slows down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, and even reduces your risk of getting cancer. 
6. Enables sleep
Drinking a warm glass of this concoction an hour before bed can help you get much better sleep. Milk contains serotonin and melatonin, which are brain chemicals that play an important role in your sleep cycle. Turmeric reduces stress and relaxes your body.
7. Reduces menstrual cramps
Ladies, drinking a glass of milk with turmeric every day can reduce your cramps, as turmeric has antispasmodic properties as well as several vital nutrients.  
8. Makes your skin glow
The antioxidants in turmeric fight the free radicals that cause not only disease but ageing as well, keeping your skin young and healthy.
9. Speeds up weight loss
The compounds in turmeric help your body break down fat, thereby helping you lose weight. 

Do Not Throw Away Lemon Peels, Use Them !!!

Lemon is the everyday ideal product, rich in vitamin C. It is an amazing source of nutrients and virtually without any calories. Practice a daily habit to use it. 
Did you know lemon peels, whether they are dried or fresh, are an extraordinary addition to many dishes?
When you peel the lemon you should make the slices as thin as possible, avoiding the white layer around it. Do not forget to wash the lemon with cold water before scalding it with hot water. Try to peel the lemon in one slice spirally preferably with a very sharp knife.
Lemon peels are great addition to: vegetable salads, fish, meat, and many cold sauces. Beet and spinach soups have better aroma in combination with lemon. It can be added 5 minutes before the meal is prepared or right after the soup is done. The peels pair exceptionally well with fish and meat sauces, dressings, moussaka, stuffed fish and etc.  When preparing veal add grated lemon peel 1-2 minutes before the end or after taking it out of the oven.

Because of the calcium and vitamin C, lemon peel prevents osteoporosis, arthritis and many other diseases of the skeletal system. Because of the polyphenolic flavonoids we impede the bad LDL cholesterol to rise to an alarming level. This way we keep intact the vascular system and we reduce symptoms of hypertension. Skin blemishes can be treated with lemon peel. Massage your face gently for 3 minutes with a lemon peel for soft and smooth skin.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

How Much Walking You Need to Lose Weight

Walking is one of the safest forms of exercise known today. Depending on how often you walk, you can manage to easily lose one pound per week or more. Think about it, in less than five months you can be 20 pounds lighter without spending hours at the gym and without going on a diet.
While you shed the pounds and inches from your body, you are also toning your muscles and improving your health. Once you learn how to implement the principles of walking to lose weight into your lifestyle, you will surely be hooked on this easy and beneficial exercise routine.

How to Lose Weight by Walking

The number of calories you can burn by walking is determined by your body weight and walking pace. On average, if you walk at a pace of 4 miles per hour (a common pace) you can burn roughly 400 calories per hour.
You don’t necessarily need to go 4 miles a day. As an example, if you commit to walking 3 extra miles, they would be burning an extra 300 calories a day. You can even walk a shorter distance than that and combine it with your daily schedule. You can use a device called pedometer to help you burn extra calories while walking and doing your daily schedule.

Pedometers and Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight through walking, one of the best things that you can do to boost the chances of success for your efforts is to go out and buy a good quality pedometer or a wrist band that can track your daily activities.
Pedometer is a helpful device that you attach to your clothing near your hip area. It is light weight and has a variety of features. The main feature is counting the number of steps you take during your workout or throughout your entire day.
In order to find out how many miles you need to cover to drop extra pounds, you need to find out how many you are currently covering. This way, you will know by how much you need to increase your steps, or distance each day in order to be able to see a difference in the number on the scale.
For example; if you currently take 8,000 steps with your existing routine and daily habits and are maintaining weight, the number of steps that you need to increase your daily distance to lose weight is simply a matter of mathematics; increasing your mileage according to the number of calories you want to burn (more details on that below).

How Many Steps To Take to Lose Weight?

To lose weight the average person needs to take about 2,000 steps in the average mile. One mile burns about 100 calories. This means your pedometer will help you keep track of your steps, how many miles you reach each day and how many calories you burn. It will also help you if you don’t have time to exercise. 
You can simply add steps to your daily routine.
·         1 Mile = 2,000 steps and 100 calories burned
·         1 Pound – 3,500 calories
·         1 Pound weight loss per week = 500 calorie deficit per day
·         To lose 1 pound per week you need to add 10,000 steps to your day.
If 10,000 steps sounds a lot, here are a few ideas on how to fit all that walking into your busy day (remember – you don’t need to start from 10,000 steps. Start gradually – you will just lose less weight).
·         Get off the bus early and walk the rest of the way home or to work.
·         Park your car further away from your destination and walk the extra distance.
·         Walk to the station instead of taking the car or bus.
·         Take the stairs instead of the lift.
·         Walk the children to school.
Depending on the style or type of pedometer it may have advanced features including keeping track of the number of pounds you lost and how many calories you burned. This information helps you keep track of your progress by giving you a clear picture of what you have physically achieved during your walk.
Due to the important details recorded you will want to invest in a good quality pedometer to assure every step is counted.
How to keep it Interesting
·        Walking the same old track can become boring so keep your routine interesting by switching things around.
·     Walk outdoors at different parks, different neighborhoods and bring along music to enjoy, motivate and energize you to complete your daily walk.
·      Don’t let cold winter weather hold you back from your daily walk. Invest in a treadmill and place it in front of a window or television. You can enjoy viewing nature by glaring out the window during your routine or point the treadmill towards your television and savor every minute of your favourite show.
·         You can also invite a family member or friend along. Even if they join you only once a week, it is still a beneficial way to mix up your routine. Often, dedicated walkers will become bored with the same old routine, so don’t let it happen to you.
·         Keep it interesting and switch up your routine as much as you like.
Walking Style
Everyone knows how to walk and have been doing so since they were a small child. However, over the years bad posture and habits may have caused you to have less than desirable walking standards.
When walking for exercise you will want to keep your chin up, focus your eyes about 10 feet forward, keep a long stride, pull in your abdomen towards your spine and squeeze your glutes. This style of walking will help you achieve maximum benefits from your workout.
How Often to Walk
Before you begin your walking routine you will want to consult with your primary physician to assure you are healthy to participate in the activity.
Once you receive your physician’s approval, you will want to begin walking three days per week for 15 to 20 minutes. Then you will want to gradually increase the frequency until you are walking 30 to 60 minutes per day almost every day of the week.
You will be pleased to know that moderate exercise is one of the best things you can do to lose weight. 

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat

1. Fruits and vegetables
All fruits and vegetables, due to their rich nutrient and fiber content, help to combat chronic inflammation, so make sure to include adequate amounts of these foods daily. Some types of fresh produce, however, are even more potent than others.
Some terrific anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables to include in your meal plan include apples, berries, broccoli, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple, and spinach
2. Green tea
This mild beverage is great for helping shrink your waistline as well as for decreasing inflammation. The flavonoids in this tea have natural anti-inflammatory properties. And the compound EGCG in green tea has been shown to help reduce body fat.
3. Monounsaturated fats
These heart-healthy fats help raise your healthy HDL cholesterol levels and reduce overall inflammation. Great sources include olive oil, almonds, and avocado
4. Omega-3 fatty acids
Research has shown that a diet with a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids and a low percentage of omega-6 fatty acids has been linked with decreased inflammation. Food sources of omega-3s include walnuts, flaxseed, and fish, such as wild Alaskan salmon
5. Spices
Certain spices, including garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and chili peppers, have potent inflammation-reducing capabilities, so try adding them to meals as often as possible.
6. Water
Staying hydrated is essential to flushing inflammation-causing toxins out of your body. Aim for 64 ounces of water per day. Remember: Add an additional 8 ounces of water for every 30 minutes of exercise as well.
7. Whole grains

Rich in fiber, whole grains help control the insulin response in your body. The high B vitamin content of whole grains also helps reduce the inflammatory hormone homocystine in the body.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Everything You Need to Know About Thyroid Disease

Studies estimate that disease of the thyroid gland is more common than diabetes or heart disease and often goes misdiagnosed or undetected. As many as more than 50 million people could be suffering thyroid dysfunction over the world. This small gland at the base of your neck controls functions throughout the entire body, including regulating other hormones, energy levels and metabolism. The master of many other hormones, thyroid dysfunction can wreak havoc, creating uncomfortable symptoms if hormone levels remain out of range. 
Understanding common symptoms of thyroid issues and when to seek medical advice could save your health. Read on for more information on symptoms to look out for as well as foods and lifestyle factors that support optimal thyroid function.

1. Symptoms That Indicate a Problem
Symptoms associated with thyroid disease are often caused by low hormone levels, also referred to as hypothyroid, which include weight gain or inability to lose weight, sensitivity to cold, weakness or fatigue, depression, pallor, constipation, poor memory, dry skin and hair and brittle nails. Signs of the less common condition overactive thyroid (hyperthyroid) include unintended weight loss, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, anxiety or irritability, trembling, insomnia, feeling hot or sweating more than usual and muscle weakness. Other potential thyroid symptoms include pain at the base of the neck or throat and swelling or a lump under the Adam’s apple area. Any pain or swelling is reason to seek medical advice right away. Keep in mind that many of these symptom groups can mimic other diseases, so it’s important to discuss the possibility of thyroid disease with your doctor. They will likely need to do some blood tests for more information.

2. Low Thyroid Activity: Hypothyroid
Low thyroid activity is also called hypothyroidism and is commonly caused by an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s disease, a problem in which the body attacks its own thyroid tissue causing it to not produce the hormone levels for optimal health. This disease is more common in women, especially those with autoimmune disease in their family. According to a study presented in the British Medical Bulletin, because lack of iodine is uncommon, the majority of cases are related to autoimmune disorders rather than a mineral deficiency. If you have symptoms of low thyroid, your doctor can perform some tests to see if you may have Hashimoto’s disease or other forms of hypothyroid. Elevated levels of TSH hormone are used to diagnose hypothyroid or another condition called “subclinical hypothyroid,” which the European Thyroid Journal describes as increased TSH hormone with normal levels of T3 and T4 hormones.

3. Overactive Thyroid: Hyperthyroid
Overactive thyroid is also referred to as hyperthyroidism and is less common than low thyroid dysfunction. It’s often caused by an autoimmune condition called Graves’ disease, which causes the body to produce too much T4. Again, this is more common in women than men, and symptoms will present with unintended weight loss, rapid heartbeat or tremors, high blood pressure, anxiety or irritability and trouble sleeping. If these types of symptoms present themselves, head to the doctor to get a blood test to assess thyroid function. Thyroid disease can often be treated with a daily medication: Your doctor can discuss options based on your unique needs.

4. Thyroid Cancer and Goiter
Pain in the neck or throat, swelling or a hoarse voice are reasons to get your thyroid checked out. Cancer can present itself through nodules, though the American Cancer Society cites that the majority of thyroid nodules are benign or noncancerous. Thyroid cancer is the fifth most common cancer in women, and typical treatments include surgery and radioactive iodine. Thyroid cancer is a type of cancer that is diagnosed at a younger age compared with other types -- two-thirds of all cases are diagnosed in people less than 55 years old. A goiter is caused by lack of the mineral iodine and causes a large, swollen lump at the base of the throat. With a goiter, the thyroid gland enlarges as it searches for iodine. Any sign of swelling or pain in the thyroid area should be assessed immediately.

5. Thyroid Screening
If you seek medical attention for your thyroid, you will hear terms like “T3,” “T4” or “TSH,” but what do they mean? T3 stands for “Triiodothyronine” and T4 stands for “Thyroxine”. T4 is made from T3, so it’s important to check both levels. The thyroid gland and the pituitary gland in the brain communicate constantly, and the pituitary tells the thyroid the correct hormone levels to pump out. This message is sent via TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), so this is another level that will likely be checked. TSH level is used to diagnose hypothyroid because it will be elevated with this condition. The ideal balance between T3, T4 and TSH will create harmony in the body, but high or low levels can indicate a problem with disease, medications or thyroid hormone damage. If there are any suspected problems with thyroid nodules, an ultrasound may be ordered.

6. Thyroid and Weight
Studies have shown a correlation between increased body weight and decreased thyroid function. Elevated TSH hormone levels were strongly associated with metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms associated with developing cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes. Further, a higher waist circumference was associated in the same study with hypothyroid or low thyroid function. In the study, some cases with TSH in the normal range showed an incremental increase in weight with each one-unit increase in TSH hormone. This means as TSH levels goes up; weight goes up along with it. While there is research showing a link between hypothyroid and increased weight and belly fat, many people falsely associate struggles with weight as associated with thyroid dysfunction. Weight management can be difficult and multifactorial, so definitely discuss this with your doctor. But remember: Thyroid issues are not the only reason for being overweight or inability to lose weight.

7. When to Seek Help
If you believe you may have a thyroid problem, bring it up as part of the discussion next time you see your doctor. Clusters of symptoms of hypothyroid or hyperthyroid should definitely be addressed. For example, constantly feeling cold, struggling with being overweight, dry skin, brittle nails, fatigue or depression could indicate an underactive thyroid gland. Conversely, rapid heartbeat, feeling hot or increased sweating, trembling or weight loss could indicate an overactive thyroid. If you notice any swelling, pain or a lump at the base of your neck or throat, you should go in immediately to seek medical attention. A doctor will assess thyroid function with some simple blood tests and could suggest an ultrasound or other monitoring test to check this important gland and rule out thyroid disease. Keep in mind that most nodules are not cancerous.

8. Foods That Help
Iodine is the main nutrient associated with thyroid support because the body uses it to make T3 and T4 hormones. Foods high in iodine include ocean fish or other seafood, seaweed or sea vegetables, dairy and iodized salt. For the most natural source of iodine, try consuming food sources instead of taking supplements. Selenium and zinc are other important nutrients for the thyroid. Look for these in seafood, nuts and seeds -- especially Brazil nuts. A study shows that low vitamin D and selenium levels may increase the risk of developing autoimmune thyroid disease. Ask your doctor to check your vitamin D level because vitamin D is necessary for the body to create thyroid hormones T3 and to regulate TSH. The thyroid gland contains more selenium per gram than found in any other organ in the body, and even slightly low levels have been associated with autoimmune disease of the thyroid.

9. Foods That May Hurt
Some foods, at high intake levels, can have negative effects on the thyroid gland. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage can suppress the thyroid by raising TSH levels and have even been linked to increased rates in thyroid cancer when combined with low iodine intake. Keep in mind that studies that show negative results from cruciferous vegetables containing “goitrogen” compounds, which may enlarge the thyroid, were seen with higher-than-typical consumptions. A goitrogen is a compound that suppresses the thyroid by interfering with iodine, which could cause a goiter or swollen thyroid. This is not a reason to avoid these healthy foods in normal daily quantities, and cooking can reduce negative effects on the thyroid. Soy has also been linked to hypothyroid. Intake at the level of a common vegetarian diet may push subclinical hypothyroid patients into overt hypothyroidism. Studies have not supported that soy negatively affects the thyroid in healthy individuals with adequate iodine intake and normal thyroid function, consuming soy foods as a part of a healthy and balanced diet.

10. Other Healthy Thyroid Factors
Addressing lifestyle factors is an important part of assessing thyroid health because this gland governs so many functions in the body. Studies linking depression to decreased thyroid function are well documented: A review in the Journal of Thyroid Research states common abnormalities seen include elevated T4, low T3 and a lowered bodily response to TSH hormone. This study lists classic psychological symptoms associated with thyroid dysfunction as anxiety, irritability, emotional liability, impairment in concentration and dysphoria, or a generalized state of unease. Other lifestyle factors are also linked to thyroid problems -- smoking has been linked to increased risk for Graves’ disease, or hyperthyroidism. Because the thyroid governs so many functions in the body, it is important to consider aspects of physical and psychological health linked to this gland.
