Saturday, 28 February 2015

12 Workouts to Improve Your Mood


By nature, as humans we’re moody creatures. And, as much as we’d love to feel good and be happy and excited, it’s not always the case. Sometimes we’re anxious, distracted, sad, angry, exhausted, anxious, or stressed out. Here are some workouts that are best-suited for whatever mood you might be in today.

Angry? Try Kickboxing

Channel that red-hot anger into one fierce, calorie-torching workout with some kickboxing! When you're mad or upset, a fabulous way to get it out is kickboxing. Take all that aggression and anger and give it straight to the punching bag -- it's a truly healthy way to express it!

Rushed? Try H.I.I.T.

If you are feeling pressed for time, try H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) to get your workout done in less time and blow off steam. After a warm up, try alternating 3 minutes of steady state effort (of about a 5 or 6 efforts on a 1-10 intensity scale) with 1 minute of all-out work (at about an 8 or 9 effort) using your favourite mode of cardio. This technique can work with cycling, running, etc. Not only will you maximize every second of your limited workout time, you’ll be putting your hurried, rushed energy to good use during each interval.

Distracted or Confused? Try Strength Training

Got a tough decision weighing on your mind? Try a good resistance training session. Strength training can help you feel grounded. In addition to your brain focusing on the movement and lifting those weights, your emotions will also benefit from a sense of direction.

Anxious? Try Walking

Filled with nervous or anxious energy? Take a walk! If you have a lot of nervous energy, a great way to deal with it is by, quite literally, walking it off. Walking for just a few minutes can calm your nerves and boost your mood, especially if you're outdoors. In fact, studies show that walking is a proven way to help lower stress levels, calm anxiety and even bolster your immune system.

Exhausted? Try Tai Chi

A low energy day isn’t the time to push you to the max during a workout. Instead, try turning your focus inwards and invigorate your body with a Tai Chi session. Not only can Tai Chi help replenish your energy, but research shows it can also help improve your sleep quality, lower stress levels and enhance your sense of well-being, all of which may help you prevent the source of your exhaustion in the future.

Lonely? Try a Bare Class

Up for some company during your workout? Hit the (other) bare for a healthier happy hour! If you are feeling social and want to spend time with friends, a group fitness class is a great option. There’s a real sense of camaraderie and fun in this type of group setting. Sweating side-by-side and commiserating together as you all “feel the burn” could help you get more out of your workout. Catch up after class at the juice bar or head out for a healthy dinner together – studies show that having social support may make you more likely to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Stressed? Try Cycling

Hop on a bike and pedal away your cares (indoors or out) to relieve stress, raise endorphins and give yourself time to think clearly so that you can handle stressful situations with more clarity. Whether you take your bike outside and hit the trails for some fresh air or lose yourself in the driving music of an indoor cycling class, you are guaranteed to feel better once you are done. Not to mention, tackling that challenging hill or sprint on the bike can also help you feel more confident and better able to handle the pressure you may be feeling. When you are completely in the moment and holding a pace that feels strong and powerful, you are no longer thinking of anything else but getting to the end of the road or the top of the hill.

Feeling Stuck? Try Running

Have you been trying to solve a problem or come up with a great idea for hours? Stop what you’re doing, and head out for a run. If you can't seem to find the right solution to a problem or your creativity has gone out the window, go for a jog. The repetitive nature of a running stride allows your brain to relax (since there are no complex steps to follow or movement patterns to master), while your body enjoys the uplifting rush of exercise-induced endorphins.

Worried? Try Yoga

Feeling worried? “Om” away your worries. Yoga is a great mind-body exercise that brings you into the present moment. Yoga helps quiet and calms your mind while engaging your body, making it hard to stay worried long during a practice. Through movement timed to breath, you naturally focus on the now, and let the worries of what-may-be just melt away. If you don’t have a yoga studio nearby, there are plenty of DVDs and books to choose from.

Motivated? Try Stair Climbing

Let your inspiration create some perspiration by tackling the stairs! Climbing stairs not only kicks your butt, but it offers a great endurance challenge and burns off plenty of calories too. Head to the step mill at the gym or take on a few flights of stairs indoors or out – there’s nothing like looking at the number of flights you’ve scaled to make you feel extra accomplished at the end of your workout!

Sad? Try Dancing

Upbeat music and the endorphins of exercise have both been shown to help combat feelings of depression and sadness, so next time you are feeling blue, turn up the radio and get moving! When you're sad you may not feel like dancing, but that's exactly why you should do it. Don’t feel pressured to head to a dance class – dancing solo may be best for when you are down. No need to worry about what you look like or what steps to follow -- just allow yourself to let loose and enjoy the movement and the music. It's kind of hard to feel sad when you have dance music playing.

Energetic? Try Zumba

If you’ve got energy to spare today, put it to good use with Zumba. This dance class is filled with infectious beats that are sure to put your extra energy to work and keep it going even after the workout is over! Pop into a class near you, or play Zumba Fitness on your Wii for a super-fun, high-energy sweat session.

Friday, 27 February 2015

7 Brain Boosters

Stress and age can lead to memory loss. Supplements and lifestyle changes give you a head start to a healthy mind. So feed your brain by adding these items to your clean-eating program for a mental focus that's as sharp as the cuts on your body.
Brain Booster # 1: Sunflower Seeds
Eat more sunflower seeds and other vitamin-E-rich foods. A number of studies have linked higher intakes of vitamin E with improved brain functioning. People with higher levels of vitamin E were up to 15 percent less likely to suffer cognitive impairment.
As a potent antioxidant, vitamin E can protect brain membranes from the oxidative damage inflicted by free radicals.

Extra credit
The seeds of this sun-worshiping plant are also a stellar source of thiamine, a B vitamin that helps your body's cells convert carbohydrates into the energy your brain and muscles use to power themselves.
Brain Booster # 2: Canned Sardines
Over the past couple of decades, vitamin D has become the darling nutrient among nutrition researchers, and it's the real deal. This sunshine vitamin has been shown to offer protection from a number of maladies, and mental decline is one of them.
It appears that our brains require vitamin D for a variety of functions, including nerve signaling. The current daily adult requirement for vitamin D is 600 IU, and a two-ounce serving of budget-friendly canned sardines delivers about 150 IU.
For the health of your brain and other areas of your body, it's a good idea to also take a daily vitamin D supplement, especially during the winter months when vitamin D production from the sun diminishes greatly.

Extra credit
Sardines also supply healthy amounts of omega-3 fats, making it a definite brain-friendly catch of the day.
Brain Booster # 3: Eggs
Eggs—more specifically the yolks—are your go-to source for choline. Though choline doesn't get much ink, this essential nutrient is a known precursor for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in cognition and memory. So if you regularly forget where you put down those dumbbells, make sure to get cracking
Further, a study found that eating a breakfast that includes protein-rich foods such as eggs can enhance mental performance during the morning, possibly by improving blood-sugar numbers.

Extra credit
You can now seek out omega-3-enriched eggs for an extra dose of this brain-benefiting fat.
Brain Booster # 4: Yerba Mate
Its mid afternoon and you're brain is fogging over, so brew up a steamy mug of yerba mate tea for a mental boost. Research has shown that yerba mate—an herbal tea gleaned from a South American plant, and the national drink of Argentina—may enhance short-term brain power.
How? Well, it's likely that naturally occurring stimulants in yerba mate such as theophylline work to crowd out the brain neurotransmitter adenosine, which acts as a central nervous depressant and thereby promotes fatigue.
The benefit of using yerba mate for a jolt of energy is that it doesn't bring about the jitters in those who are susceptible to this unwelcome side-effect from drinking coffee. You can find loose-leaf or bagged yerba mate at many health-food shops or tea-focused stores.

Extra credit
A 2014 study in the journal "Nutrition & Metabolism" found that healthy volunteers who were provided yerba mate before exercise burned more fat.
Brain Booster # 5: Salmon
If you're suffering from a case of the winter blues that makes you want to hibernate on the couch rather than get busy on the gym floor, be sure to go fish. Studies suggest that higher intakes of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that are present in salmon—as well as other fatty swimmers like sardines, sablefish, mackerel, and rainbow trout—can help fight off motivation-sapping depression.
These mega-healthy omega-3 fats help regulate certain brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine that play a role in mood. Omega-3 also works to reduce inflammation in the brain, which can lessen psychiatric disturbances.

Extra credit
Salmon is also a source of vitamin D, which can help keep your brain as fit as your six-pack.
Brain Booster # 6: Beets
When it comes to brain health, red means go. Naturally occurring nitrates in beets and beet juice can increase blood flow to the noggin, which may help to improve mental performance and help combat cognitive decline.
The tastiest way to eat these flushed gems is roasted in the oven, but beet juice, which is particularly chock-a-block in nitrates, can be whizzed into protein shakes. You'll also find nitrates in spinach.

Extra credit
A number of studies have shown that nitrate's ability to bolster blood flow can also improve muscular performance during exercise.
Brain Booster # 7: Walnuts
When crunch time comes, don't forget to nosh on a handful of walnuts. Diet rich in walnuts may improve brain power, thereby making it easier for you to remember this list of brainy foods.
A synergy between the polyphenol antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts might be at work here to keep you as sharp as whip.

Extra credit
A recent study showed that adults who consumed 1.5 ounces of walnuts every day for eight weeks significantly reduced cholesterol levels and decreased their risk for coronary heart disease.